The MAS will be hosting a hybrid in-person & ZOOM Monthly Meeting. MAS meetings are free and open to the public. JOIN US!
COVID-19 PROTOCOL: Masks are welcome, but not required at the Monthly Meeting. Reminder if you are feeling ill or have been around someone who has been ill, PLEASE STAY HOME!!
Meeting Location:
AŊPÉTU TÉČA Education Center (formerly the Fairview Community Center)
1910 County Road B West
Roseville, Minnesota 55113
This meeting will be held online using Zoom using the following URL: TBD
You can probably hear best with a headset but your computer’s speaker and microphone will also work.
Dialing-in with a phone:
In order to ensure the most success we are asking everyone to follow a couple of rules:
We hope you can join us.
Clear skies!