Observatory Keyholders

As an MAS member, you are eligible to become a keyholder at any of the five facilities maintained by the MAS. With the required site-specific training and orientation, you’ll be able to use any site for outreach events or your personal use.

Five Sites

Limitless Opportunities.

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Becoming a

MAS Keyholder

Through years of hard work by countless volunteers, fundraising efforts, and with overwhelmingly generous donations, the Minnesota Astronomical Society has some of the finest amateur equipment and facilities available. We are likely one of the best-equipped amateur astronomy clubs in the country, if not the world, maintaining five observing sites, four with observatories, that are available for our membership to use.

Observing Site Amenities

Each site includes observing amenities, ranging from a simple warming structure and concrete pads to a fully-equipped observatory housing multiple telescopes.

Become an Eagle Lake Observatory (ELO) Keyholder

Eagle Lake Obsevatory


The Minnesota Astronomical Society’s newly christened Eagle Lake Observatory consists of the Onan Observatory, The Sylvia A. Casby Observatory, and the HotSpot Classroom. In 2013, the S.A. Casby Observatory, and HotSpot Classroom became operational and complement the Onan facility. ELO is the main public outreach facility of the MAS with scheduled public star parties from March to November.

Purpose of Training

The observatory and its equipment are generally on a scale and complexity with which many MAS members have little or no experience. This training program provides the basic information to keyholders need to open the observatory and operate the basic equipment safely, keeping themselves, visitors, and the equipment from harm.

Eagle Lake Observatory Keyholder Eligibility

The requirements for becoming a keyholder remain essentially as they have since the observatory first opened.

  • Every keyholder must be a member in good standing of the MAS.
  • Every keyholder must complete the basic training program.
  • Be at least 18 years of age.

Eagle Lake Observatory Keyholder Responsibilities

  • Enforce observatory operating rules and guidelines when the observatory is in use.
  • Complete the closing checklist and observatory log each time they are in charge of any observatory-related activity.
  • Report any problems or concerns about the observatory and equipment in a timely manner to the site manager as well as posting on the Discussions Forum.
  • Return the observatory to its previous condition and prepare for the next members’ use or outreach event.
  • Secure the buildings after each use.
  • Provide assistance with construction, maintenance, or program activities at the observatory during the calendar year.
  • NOTE: Upcoming construction and maintenance information will be posted on the observatory Discussion Forum.

Eagle Lake Observatory Keyholder Operations Support

Due to the extent of the equipment and facilities at the Eagle Lake Observatory, it is requested that all of the keyholders help maintain the site. Listed below are numerous items that require periodic attention. These items can be done as part of a ”Work Party”, but can also be done by an individual as needed, such as dusting off the equipment, vacuuming, replacing light bulbs, etc. Your help is greatly appreciated in keeping the facility a place we can all be proud of.

  • Open the observatory for member/visitor use during MAS star parties.
  • Help with public events at the observatory either as team member or team leader.
  • Participate in observatory construction “work parties” (pulling weeds, telescope and building maintenance, etc.).
  • Participate in observatory maintenance “work parties” (cleaning, adjusting equipment, taking inventory, etc.).
  • Be available to non-keyholding MAS members desiring use of the observatory for special projects.
  • Conduct observatory-based educational events for schools, scouts, and similar groups.
  • Recruit and train others as observatory keyholders or participants in work parties and events.
  • Make formal presentations (slide show, PowerPoint, etc.).
  • Run one of the telescope platforms on a Public Night.
  • “Crowd Control” – help direct visitors, answer basic questions, tour guide, etc.

If you have questions or concerns, visit the Keyholder Training Discussion Forum and post them.  Members can also join and post the the ELO Slack Channel.

    Becoming a Keyholder at the Eagle Lake Observatory

    Keyholder training is scheduled several times a year. Information on the next training session can be found on the ELO Discussion Forum. Direct inquiries about training to the Eagle Lake Observatory Site Manager.

    Become a Cherry Grove Observatory (CGO) Keyholder

    Cherry Grove Observatory


    The Minnesota Astronomical Society owns a small parcel of land in Goodhue County known as “Cherry Grove”. It is the Society’s first “dark sky” site. In 2013, construction of a new roll-off observatory was completed to house new and existing onsite telescopes.

    Purpose of Training

    While those generally using the Cherry Grove Observatory will bring and use their own equipment, training is required to use the new observatory, onsite scopes, and warming house.

    Cherry Grove Observatory Keyholder Eligibility

    • Every keyholder must be a member in good standing of the MAS.
    • Every keyholder must complete the basic training program.
    • Be at least 18 years of age.

    Cherry Grove Observatory Keyholder Responsibilities

    • Set up for scheduled member star parties.
    • Report any problems or concerns about the observatory and equipment in a timely manner to the site manager as well as posting on the Cherry Grove Discussion Forum.
    • Complete the closing checklist and observatory log each time they are in charge of any observatory-related activity.
    • Return the observatory to its previous condition and prepare for the next members’ use or event.
    • Secure the buildings after each use.
    • Provide assistance with construction, maintenance, or program activities at the observatory during the calendar year.
    • NOTE: Upcoming construction and maintenance information will be posted on the Cherry Grove Discussion Forum.

    Members can also join the CGO Slack Channel.

    Becoming a Keyholder at the Cherry Grove Observatory

    Keyholder training is scheduled several times a year. Information on the next training session can be found on the CGO Discussion Forum. Direct inquiries about training to the CGO Site Coordinator.

    Become a Joseph J. Casby Keyholder

    Joseph J. Casby Observatory


    The Joseph J. Casby Observatory is one of the members-only facilities of the MAS and not open to the general public. It is available for member use by requesting a reservation via the Joseph J. Casby Observatory Keyholders forum. The observatory is located on the private property of the Belwin Conservancy in Afton, Minnesota.

    Joseph J. Casby Observatory Keyholder Eligibility

    • Every keyholder must be a member in good standing of the MAS.
    • Every keyholder must attend the Belwin Conservancy Orientation.
    • Complete the basic training program on the observatory, equipment, and Belwin Center.
    • Must be at least 18 years of age.

    Joseph J. Casby Observatory Keyholder Responsibilities

    • Enforce observatory operating rules and guidelines when the observatory is in use.
    • Complete the closing checklist and observatory log each time they are in charge of any observatory-related activity.
    • Report any problems or concerns about the observatory and equipment in a timely manner to the site manager as well as posting on the Joseph J. Casby Observatory Keyholders Forum.
    • Secure the building after each use.
    • Provide assistance with construction and maintenance work parties at the observatory during the calendar year.
    • Provide assistance with Belwin Conservancy activities, outreach, and/or educational events, etc.

    Becoming a Keyholder at the Joseph J. Casby Observatory

    Keyholder training is scheduled several times a year. Information on the next training session can be found on the Metcalf/Belwin Discussions Forum. Direct inquiries about training to Joseph J. Casby Observatory Coordinator.  

    Become a Long Lake Conservation Center (LLCC) Keyholder

    Long Lake Conservation Center Observatory


    The LLCC Observatory is an MAS members-only facility and not open to the general public. It is available for members’ use on scheduled weekends. The one exception is during the Northern Nights Star Fest regional star party, giving non-members access to the dark skies of northern Minnesota.

    Purpose of Training

    While those generally using LLCC will bring and use their own equipment, training is required to use the observatory and onsite scopes.

    LLCC Observatory Keyholder Eligibility

    • Every keyholder must be a member in good standing of the MAS.
    • Every keyholder must complete the basic training program.
    • Be at least 18 years of age.

    LLCC Observatory Keyholder Responsibilities

    • Set up for scheduled member star parties.
    • Report any problems or concerns about the observatory and equipment in a timely manner to the site manager as well as posting on the Long Lake Conservation Center Discussion Forum.
    • Complete the closing checklist and observatory log each time they are in charge of any observatory-related activity.
    • Return the observatory to its previous condition and prepare for the next members’ use or event.
    • Secure the building after each use.
    • Provide assistance with construction, maintenance, or program activities at the observatory during the calendar year.
    • NOTE: Upcoming construction and maintenance information will be posted on the Long Lake Conservation Center Discussion Forum.

      Becoming a Keyholder at the LLCC Observatory

      Information on the next training session can be found on the LLCC Discussion Forum. Direct inquiries about training to the LLCC Observatory Site Manager.  Members can also join and post to the LLCC Slack Channel.
