
Monthly meetings are open to all – you don't need to be an MAS member to attend. Meeting links can be found on the homepage.
Monthly MeetingsBeginner's Meetings


Monthly Meetings

Monthly meetings normally take place at 7 p.m. the first Thursday of each month at the AŊPÉTU TÉČA Education Center (formerly the Fairview Community Center) . The meeting can also be joined online through Zoom – and the signon links are posted on the Events Calendar on the home page.  Meetings usually last about two hours.

Find the latest information about the meeting time, location and featured topic on the MAS home page or the MAS Newsletter.

Meetings cover a variety of interests, varying from introductory to advanced. Programs may include talks by professional astronomers from the University of Minnesota, member presentations on topics of interest to amateurs, videos, slides, or planetarium shows.

Recorded meetings will be posted the the MAS YouTube Channel several days after the event.

Prepping at Sundown
Prepping at Sundown
Prepping at Sundown

What to Expect

Each meeting usually features board member introductions, announcements, “Better Know a Constellation” presented by a member, a main speaker, and a post-meeting social gathering. Society business is transacted as needed.

Other Meetings

Business & Special Meetings

While the Society’s constitution provides a means for business meetings to be called at any time, it also establishes at timetable for meetings related to elections and adoption of the annual budget, as follows:

  • Election nominations take place at the November regular meeting.
  • Annual elections take place at the December regular meeting.
  • Newly elected officers take office at the first monthly meeting of the new year (usually January).
  • The annual budget and dues structure is presented and adopted at the second monthly meeting of the new year (usually February).

Other business meetings may be called as needed, per the process outlined in the Society’s constitution.

Executive Board Meetings

The executive board of the MAS meets monthly to conduct the Society’s business. At a typical meeting, members of the board approve expenditures, review the status of projects, approve new projects and, make decisions regarding the operation of the Society.

Executive board meetings are not closed to members, but they are often conducted at the homes of individual board members. Members interested in attending a meeting should contact the board via email to request details regarding upcoming meetings or to submit a topic for consideration. Visit Board & Contacts to reach out to board members.

Other Meetings

There are a number of other committee and Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings scheduled each month. Please refer to the MAS events calendar to learn more. The latest meetings and information on our Special Interest Groups can be found on the Special Interest Groups Discussion Forums.