ELO Keyholder Training Request Form

MAS members in good standing may become facility Keyholders.

Please fill out this form to request Keyholder training at ELO. Select the modules that you would like to sign up for and submit the form.

Once you have submitted the registration form, a message will be sent to the training coordinator.  You will receive confirmation and more information in a couple of days through email.

The ELO Committee encourages all keyholders to be trained and familiar with all equipment. The primary purpose of ELO is for public star parties, and keyholders are needed to support those events. Your help is greatly appreciated.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Phone (required)

    Your MAS Forum Name (optional)

    I am currently an ELO Keyholder and want refresher training

    ELO overview training is required before any additional modules can be taken.

    ELO overview (required)

    Select desired resource training modules:

    Sylvia Casby (building and telescope) Onan building training 2023 Visual Platform - This module requires the Onan building training LX200 - This module requires the Onan building training Imaging Platform 2023 - This module requires the Onan building training 20-inch Obsession Dobsonian - This module requires the Onan building training Star party setup and teardown - This module requires the Onan building training

    MAS Member Eligibility:

    Questions or Comments: