Synopsis: We have so many more options to navigate the sky now than when I started in this hobby twenty years ago – in the days before smartphones and when PC power was much more limited. In this January 7 Zoom meeting let’s talk about how we can use both some of the printed aids like Sky Atlas 2000 and the Mag 7 Star Atlas and PC-based aids like the freeware Cartes du Ciel and Stellarium and smartphone apps like Star Walk, SkySafari Pro and SkyPortal to plan our observing sessions and get the most out of our stargazing experience.
Join us on Zoom – ZOOM LINK
The link will open 15 minutes before the scheduled presentation time. There is no cost to join, and MAS membership is not required.
Dial-in Phone Number
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 856 9764 5338
Passcode: 479576
See you there
Suresh Sreenivasan
B-SIG/FB/Metcalf Comm