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BSIG Winter Zoom Presentation – Featuring Ron Schmit

November 9, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm CST


 The MAS invites everyone to the virtual Beginner’s Group Presentation using ZOOM..

Featured Speaker:   Ron Schmit
Topic: Learning About Stellarium


Advances in software have put the entire cosmos at our fingertips. That’s… A LOT, and sometimes too much! With dozens of these programs out there, how will you ever decide where to begin? I’ve got a great suggestion for you: Stellarium. It’s easy to use, powerful, and FREE. Join us as we explore this versatile application. Learn how to operate the dashboard and virtually explore the night sky. See all the amazing and helpful functions, and the options that allow you to customize your view. Finding constellations, locating deep sky objects, planning an evening’s viewing – it can even run your telescope – all with the click of a mouse. For our presentation, please have a PC ready to install and run the app so you can learn by doing!

Ron Schmit is one of the most accomplished and popular speakers in the MAS. A science educator by day, he runs a very active astronomy program at the Jackson Middle School in Champlin. He also runs the sky shows at the Eisenhower Community Center Observatory in Hopkins.

Visit the B-SIG Discussion Forum for more information and any last minute changes.

This meeting will be held online using Zoom. If you would like to join us you will need use the following URL:


You can probably hear best with a headset but your computer’s speaker and microphone will also work.

Dial-in Phone Number

Meeting ID:    835 4296 0287
Passcode:      091334

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

In order to ensure the most success we are asking everyone to follow a couple of rules:

1. Don’t turn on your camera – it sucks up bandwidth and we really don’t need to see you.
2. Keep your microphone muted until you are prompted during a question and answer session during the presentation. This will cut down background noise substantially.
3. You can request to ask a question in the chat area in Zoom and wait to be prompted by the moderator.

We hope you can join us.
Clear skies!

Suresh Sreenivasan
MAS Beginner’s Coordinator


November 9, 2024
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm CST
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