The MAS will be hosting a hybrid in-person & ZOOM Monthly Meeting.
Featured Speaker: MAS Astrophotographers
Topic: MAS Members to share photos and brief details
Synopsis: Members to share one or two photos of their favorite projects.
COVID PROTOCOL UPDATE: Effective March 30, 2022, in accordance with CDC and the State of Minnesota policy, the Minnesota Astronomical Society will begin a new mask policy. Masks are welcome, but not required in all MAS buildings and observatories. This policy includes the Monthly Meeting at the Community Center. Reminder if you are feeling ill or have been around someone who has been ill, PLEASE STAY HOME!!
Meeting Location:
AŊPÉTU TÉČA Education Center (formerly the Fairview Community Center)
– NEW Building
– NEW Name
– Same Location
1910 County Road B West
Roseville, Minnesota 55113
This meeting will also be held online using Zoom. If you would like to join us you will need to use the following URL:
You can probably hear best with a headset but your computer’s speaker and microphone will also work.
Dial-in Phone Number
Meeting ID: 861 1642 1961
Passcode: 389222
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
In order to ensure the most success we are asking everyone to follow a couple of rules:
1. Don’t turn on your camera – it sucks up bandwidth and we really don’t need to see you.
2. Keep your microphone muted until you are prompted during a question and answer session during the presentation. This will cut down background noise substantially.
3. You can request to ask a question in the chat area of the Meet and wait to be prompted by the moderator.
We hope you can join us.
Clear skies!
Mark Job
MAS President