he MAS will be hosting a hybrid in-person & ZOOM Monthly Meeting. MAS meetings are free and open to the public. JOIN US!
Topic: Andromeda!
Chuck Allen will present our March program on the Andromeda Galaxy. The program covers Andromeda’s remarkable historical role in expanding our universe beyond the boundaries of the Milky Way and in unlocking the nature of the universe itself. Chuck will discuss a rather surprising February 2024 discovery regarding Andromeda’s mass and another discovery of the only planet ever detected in another galaxy. The program will also provide insight into Andromeda’s size, structure, black hole, unusual globular clusters, principal satellite galaxies, host of smaller companions, key features, true and apparent size, and ultimate fate.
Chuck Allen is current League Vice-President and a past League President (1998-2002). A League Lifetime Member, he founded the National Young Astronomer Award in 1991, received the G. R. Wright Award in 1998, holds the League’s Master Outreach Award with over 500 programs to his credit, and is a gold-level Master Observer.
Chuck served as Co-Chair of ALCon ’21 Virtual, coordinates three League Observing Programs, and is program director of the Evansville Astronomical Society. He is also a past judge for the Intel (now Regeneron) International Science and Engineering Fair and served as a US Air Force officer before entering the practice of law.
COVID-19 PROTOCOL: Masks are welcome, but not required at the Monthly Meeting. Reminder if you are feeling ill or have been around someone who has been ill, PLEASE STAY HOME!!
Meeting Location:
AŊPÉTU TÉČA Education Center (formerly the Fairview Community Center)
1910 County Road B West
Roseville, Minnesota 55113
The hybrid meetings will be recorded on ZOOM, and post-edited for publication after a few days on the MAS YouTube Channel.
This meeting will be held online using Zoom using the following URL: Zoom LINK
You can probably hear best with a headset but your computer’s speaker and microphone will also work.
Dialing-in with a phone:
In order to ensure the most success we are asking everyone to follow a couple of rules:
We hope you can join us.
Clear skies!