MAS Happenings – February 20 2024

by | Feb 20, 2024 | MAS Happenings

Happenings this Week

*New Member Orientation
* BSIG February Presentation

New Member Orientation

Saturday, February 24, 2024
10 am to 12 pm
Plymouth Public Library
15700 36th Ave. N., Plymouth , MN 55446

Rebecca Messer will be holding an in-person MAS Member Orientation Meeting. In this approximately two hour meeting we will introduce the leadership of the MAS, discuss public and member star parties, provide a look at all our observing sites, discuss all the means of communications within the Society, and provide an overall description of all the benefits of membership in the MAS.

For more information click the link to the forum post below.

New Member Orientation

Beginner Special Interest Group

February Meeting
Saturday February 24th – 1PM to 3PM

Featured Speaker:   Dave Falkner
Topic: “Discovering the Moon: Missions to the Moon and What We Have Discovered”​

The talk will begin with a brief summary on the historical importance of the Moon including telescopic discoveries. He will then go into the early space program and the Cold War space race between the USSR and the United States to send a man to the Moon and the discoveries made during the Apollo missions. Dave will follow that up with the post-Apollo unmanned missions by various countries and some of the significant discoveries that have been made. He’ll wrap up by talking about plans for mankind returning to the Moon and possibly colonizing it.

This will be a virtual meeting.

For more information including how to join the meeting via ZOOM click the link below.

February BSIG Meeting

Get Involved, Become a Member, Volunteer!



Emails from MAS will be going out on Tuesday’s but only if there are announcements.  If you have something that needs sharing to all please email by Thursday/Friday for the following Tuesday notice.
Thank you  -Dave Falkner, MAS Secretary
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