MAS Happenings – October 22 2024

by | Oct 22, 2024 | MAS Happenings

Happenings this Week

* ELO Public Star Party
* Save the Date – MAS Elections
* Call for Nominees
* Observatory Training Schedules & Information

Public Star Party

Eagle Lake Observatory
Saturday, October 26th

7 PM to 10 PM

Speaker: Trena Johnson, MAS President & NASA Solar System Ambassador
Topic: NASA Psyche Mission

Summary: We will be taking a journey to a metal world. Let us explore an asteroid and the spacecraft that is going on this spectacular journey.  How does this mission help us understand our own planet or will we find out something else.  Come join me as we travel to a metal asteroid.

Join us as we share our passion for observing the night sky.
Volunteer keyholders can sign up here.

Click the button below for more information.

Public Star Party

***** SPECIAL NOTICE *****
***** SAVE THE DATE *****

MAS Elections Meeting
Thursday, December 5th

The December MAS Monthly Meeting will be a business meeting where the membership elects a new President, Secretary, and Board Member at Large #1.

Business meetings require 10% of the total membership of the club to have a quorum. Currently that is about 75 members. Although this includes both in-person and online participants, we continue to struggle getting the requisite number of members attending to meet the quorum.

Please spread the word and encourage your fellow members to join us at the December meeting, either in-person or online. This is an important meeting.  More information will be provided in the coming weeks.



Running for a Board position provides an opportunity for members to step up and serve the club in an important way. Members are encouraged to consider running for one of the positions up for election this year; President, Secretary, or Board Member at Large #1.

Newer members of the club are especially invited to consider running for a position providing new perspectives on the direction of the club.

Be sure to submit your nomination before the General Meeting on November 7th  to be placed on the ballot. A description of the duties of each position can be found the forums. Click the link below to open that forum post.

Nominee Forum Post

Observatory Training Calendar

Eagle Lake Observatory
There are no more trainings for 2024.

Joseph J. Casby Observatory
All dates are tentative until confirmed

Nov 16

Training to start at 12:00 noon. Promptness is appreciated.
Training will begin with the mandatory Belwin Conservancy Orientation

Observatory refresher Training to starts at approximately 12:30

More info on JJC Training

Cherry Grove Observatory

There are no more trainings for 2024.

LLCC Training

There are no more trainings for 2024.

Get Involved, Become a Member, Volunteer!

MAS Store

Find MAS Logo apparel and items at the MAS Store by clicking the button below.

MAS Store


Emails from MAS will be going out on Tuesday’s but only if there are announcements.  If you have something that needs sharing to all please email by Thursday/Friday for the following Tuesday notice.
Thank you  -Dave Falkner, MAS Secretary
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