MAS Happenings – April 30 2024

Happenings this Week * May Monthly Meeting * CCESR Star Party * MAS Orientation May 25th * Observatory Training Schedules & Information May Monthly Hybrid Meeting Thursday, May 2nd – 7 PM Join us at the AŊPÉTU TÉČA Education Center (formerly the Fairview...

Public Star Party at Cedar Creek

Public Star Party at Cedar Creek Come and learn more about the night skies. Each star party starts with a brief presentation about astronomy. A number of telescopes will be available for night sky viewing after the program, weather dependent. NOTE: You do not need a...
Solar Viewing and Star Party at Cedar Creek

Solar Viewing and Star Party at Cedar Creek

Solar Viewing Cedar Creek is excited to offer a Solar Viewing Party in partnership with the Minnesota Astronomical Society. The event will occur at Cedar Creek from 1:00 – 3:00 pm. Come to Cedar Creek to learn more about the sun and its importance to plants and...