BSIG December 2022 Zoom Presentation – “The Winter Constellations” by Claire Weaverling

Virtual Meeting Using Zoom

BSIG Beginner's Special Interest Group Zoom Presentation The Winter Constellations Featured Speaker: Claire Weaverling Synopsis:  Let's explore the Winter Hexagon! Starting with the well-known Orion constellation, and working our way around, we'll check out the brightest stars and star hop to the best deep sky objects for beginners. So, grab a cup of hot cocoa […]

BSIG January 2023 Zoom Presentation – “Aids to Navigating the Night Sky” by Steve Emert

Virtual Meeting Using Zoom

BSIG Beginner's Special Interest Group Zoom Presentation Aids to Navigating the Night Sky Featured Speaker: Steve Emert Synopsis: We have so many more options to navigate the sky now than when I started in this hobby twenty years ago – in the days before smartphones and when PC power was much more limited. In this […]

BSIG February Zoom Presentation – Featured Speaker: David Falkner – Visit to the Research Telescopes in Chile

Virtual Meeting Using Zoom

BSIG Beginner's Special Interest Group Zoom Presentation ACEAP 2022: My Amazing and Unexpected Journey to Visit the Research Telescopes in Chile Dave Falkner – MAS Member, NASA Solar System Ambassador, ACEAP Ambassador Synopsis:  Dave was one of 10 people selected nationally to participate in ACEAP (Astronomy in Chile Educator Ambassadors Program). His talk is about […]

BSIG March Zoom Presentation – Ahmed Reda: Middle Eastern Astronomy

Virtual Meeting Using Zoom

BSIG Beginner's Special Interest Group Zoom Presentation Middle Eastern Astronomy Ahmed Reda Synopsis: Have you ever wondered why most of the visible star names are Arabic ones? How Arabic astronomical concepts like the Azimuth or the Astrolabe came to be key ones in medieval astronomy? While most people are familiar with the Ancient Greek or […]

BSIG Winter Presentation Featuring Bob King

Virtual Meeting Using Zoom

 The MAS invites everyone to the virtual Beginner's Group Presentation using ZOOM.. Featured Speaker:   Bob KingTopic: "Evenings at the Cosmic Smorgasbord" Synopsis:"How far is the closest black hole? What's a bipolar nebula? What color are Saturn's auroras? We'll explore these questions and more as we examine a selection of extraterrestrial morsels."Bob is a contributing editor […]

BSIG Winter Presentation Featuring Mike Shaw

The MAS invites everyone to the virtual Beginner's Group Presentation using ZOOM.. Featured Speaker:   Mike ShawTopic: How to Plan, Experience & Photograph the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024 Synopsis:  Mike will give real-time demonstrations of creating your plan for photographing the eclipse using the Planit Pro app and Stellarium. He will also demonstrate […]

BSIG Winter Presentation Featuring Dave Falkner

Virtual Meeting Using Zoom

The MAS invites everyone to the virtual Beginner's Group Presentation using ZOOM.. Featured Speaker:   Dave FalknerTopic: "Discovering the Moon: Missions to the Moon and What We Have Discovered"​ Synopsis: The talk will begin with a brief summary on the historical importance of the Moon including telescopic discoveries. I'll then go into the early space program […]

BSIG Winter Presentation Featuring Ahmed Reda

Virtual Meeting Using Zoom

The MAS invites everyone to the virtual Beginner's Group Presentation using ZOOM.. Featured Speaker:   Ahmed RedaTopic: The Golden Age of Medieval Islamic Astronomy - Part 2 Synopsis:  A year ago, we discussed “The Golden Age of Medieval Islamic Astronomy”, journeying through different stages of middle eastern astronomy from preservation of knowledge, developing new theories and […]

BSIG Winter Zoom Presentation – Featuring Ron Schmit

Virtual Meeting Using Zoom

 The MAS invites everyone to the virtual Beginner's Group Presentation using ZOOM.. Featured Speaker:   Ron SchmitTopic: Learning About Stellarium Synopsis: Advances in software have put the entire cosmos at our fingertips. That's... A LOT, and sometimes too much! With dozens of these programs out there, how will you ever decide where to begin? I've got […]


BSIG Winter Zoom Presentation – Globular Clusters: Why They Are So Cool!

Virtual Meeting Using Zoom

 The MAS invites everyone to the virtual Beginner's Group Presentation using ZOOM.. Featured Speaker:   Claire WeaverlingTopic: Globular Clusters: Why They Are So Cool! Synopsis:  December isn't exactly globular season. Yet winter is the perfect time to plan ahead on your observing projects. Hunting globulars can be a challenging but satisfying experience, with plenty of targets […]


BSIG Winter Zoom Presentation – Auroras – Featuring Bob King

Virtual Meeting Using Zoom

 The MAS invites everyone to the virtual Beginner's Group Presentation using ZOOM. Featured Speaker:   Bob KingTopic: “Understanding, Forecasting and Photographing the Northern Lights” Synopsis: We'll look at what causes the aurora, how to get alerts so you don't miss a great show and easy ways to photograph them... Bob King is a fellow MAS member […]


BSIG Winter Zoom Presentation – Return to the Moon – The NASA Artemis Program – Featuring Dave Falkner

Virtual Meeting Using Zoom

 The MAS invites everyone to the virtual Beginner's Group Presentation using ZOOM. Featured Speaker:   Dave Falkner - NASA AmbassadorTopic: Return to the Moon – The NASA Artemis Program Synopsis: "It’s been over 50 years since mankind set foot on the Moon! Now NASA wants humans to set foot back on the Moon before the end […]
